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Yikes, just yikes

Ok. This is what I get for not being able to sleep. Just seven minutes ago - according to Yahoo Entertainment News - an article was posted saying that Britney Spears was taken away from her home in an ambulance...again. Is it me, or did this shit stop being funny a couple of months ago when "Chris Crocker" was wailing to leave her alone into his webcam?

Just to be up front, I am not a fan of Britney Spears. Just not my cup of tea.

I wonder if there's anyone in the SpearCircle (tm) that knows what to do with her. She needs to go away...for a while. Somewhere helicopters can't fly over. Somewhere no one shoves a camera in her face (I'm talking to you, Somewhere without microphones. She needs to be under constant care and therapy...a lot of therapy.

The cliche' punchline is Who'd a thought Kevin Federline was the sane one. Well, really, anyone? It's easy to go the child-star syndrome has struck again, but is that really all it is? I saw her on a tabloid show earlier Wednesday and not only was she wearing different colored wigs in each different location, she was speaking in a British dialect. Form what I saw, she was with a friend that was either from England, or faking it too. She probably thought he'd be more comfortable if she spoke his language.

FYI: Did you know that "Baby, On More Time", her first hit, was written by a then 27 year old music producer from Sweden? HIS name is Martin Karl "Max Martin" Sandberg. Of course, she was an 18 year old playing a high school girl in the video, but I'm sure not a single pedophile was effected.

I don't know. Honestly, it's not like I really care all that much about her, per se, but there's got to be a human being - not just a child-star - in that head, somewhere, right? And really, that's enough of something to blog about these days, so there.


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