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Brides of J.C. vs. Administration of J.C.

Originally posted: September 4, 2007


Religion Briefs Coalition of nuns calls for impeaching Bush and Cheney

A progressive group of U.S. nuns has called on Congress to impeach President Bush and Vice President Cheney because of their roles in the war in Iraq.

"The National Coalition of American Nuns is impelled by conscience to call you to act promptly to impeach President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney for ... high crimes and misdemeanors," the group wrote in a letter written on behalf of its board members.

The letter says that impeachment is warranted for their "deceiving the public under the false pretense that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction" and "destroying" the reputation of the United States and the good will of other nations.

"The time for impeachment is now — before the example of George W. Bush's regime is set in stone," they wrote. "Future generations will thank you for preserving the freedom of our nation and its relation to the entire human community."

The coalition was founded in 1969 for individual nuns dedicated to issues of social justice and human rights.

The letter was approved during a mid-August meeting of the board, held in Chicago. During that same meeting, the board unanimously adopted statements opposing all war and affirming peacemaking efforts. "Rather than continuing support of a just-war theory, a more compassionate church would oppose all war and teach peacemaking skills for all levels of government and interpersonal conflict resolution," the statement reads.

The board also adopted statements pledging to work to "moderate the impact we make on planet Earth," and supporting nuclear disarmament and relief efforts for the poor in Africa.

OK, so now, even Nuns are against this administration. NUNS!!!!!
What more do the people need? More specifically, could the Democrats use this to get some fundamentalist Christians back on their side by impeaching Bush and Cheney? Whatever works, right?

This just once again proves my point from my last blog that this Republican (re: douchebag) "Family Values" gang hasn't a clue about what Jesus wanted. They simply use Jesus to repress and excuse their own impulses and try to legislate and dictate to others on how they should live, according to their skewed version of Jesus. HYPOCRITES!!!!!

I think this is terrific.


I had another thought about this situation:

OK, so let's say you have a very close (best) friend that you've leaned on, and cared for deeply for many years. Through ups and downs, you've gone to this friend for advice and/or counsel and you feel closer to that friend than anyone else, including your own blood relatives. You've even told everyone that this is the friend you go to when you're in a difficult spot for guidance, reassurance and comfort...

Let's say this very close friend met a woman, fell in love and got married. For you, however, there's a problem...she doesn't like you, thinks you are stupid/mean/evil/corrupt/etc...

AND after years of putting up with - what she considers - your rhino-shit*, she tells everyone you know exactly how she feels and that she's had enough of it.

That would really suck, wouldn't it?

See where I'm going with this yet? If not, I'll continue (well, I'll continue anyway).

George W. Bush has said he goes to Jesus for guidance over his Dad (who has more experience) when it comes to making decisions in his Presidency, and now A WHOLE BUNCH OF HIS "BRIDES" publish this letter and (some of) the press reports it. I have no sympathy for GWB whatsoever, but man, that would really take the piss out of you, wouldn't it? Getting called out on your shit like that. Talk about an uncomfortable Christmas dinner!

* I use "rhino-shit" because "bull-shit" is overrated and I'm pretty sure rhino-shit is bigger and, maybe even, nastier that bull-shit.

ps. my best friend and my girlfriend get along and like each other just fine, thank you very much!


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