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"Republican" is the new "Douchebag"

Originally posted: August 29, 2007

As of this moment - or, at least, the moment I am writing this, I am officially desensitized. There is absolutely nothing any individual in the Republican Party can do that can shock and/or surprise me anymore.

What is this ludicrous theater troupe of hypocrisy & lunacy going to do next? Doesn't matter to me, I'll just shake my head and mutter, "Well what are you gonna do? They're Republican".

Today, a two-fer:

Senator Larry Craig (R-ID) pleads guilty in a sex solicitation case, and then holds a press conference apologizing for his "poor judgment" for pleading guilty in the case. Not for the actual act, for the plea he, a United States Senator, gave. The "act" happened in June. He's had over a month to think about what he would say and do regarding the incident. He stood up in a court of law and was asked, "How do you plead?" and this Republican Senator answered "guilty". Am I missing something here? It's either our judicial system works NOTHING like it does on SVU, or a person doesn't have to know a single thing about the law to rise to the level of one who legislates in this country (which I love, all you readers-getting-ready-to-attack-my-loyalties people out there).

This gets me thinking, why are people so obsessed with the others' personal lives in the first place?
Why should anyone care if someone wants to have sex with another person - male or female? Really, who gives a shit? What does it have to do with anything? Would Senator Craig be able to understand the question, "How do you plead?" any better if he were "allowed" to solicit sex in a bathroom? Of course not.
He would, however, still say the law should punish the citizenry of this country for the exact actions he performed; tat it shouldn't be allowed to go on in America and people that do those things are "Un-Christian" (Oh, THAT'S why people want to know).

> Side note: He claims he's not gay. Never has been gay, isn't gay now and will never be gay.
1. I don't care if he's gay or not. To me, it has no bearing on the situation.
2. If I were gay, I'd be happy for the dissociation between us..

Actually, I'm gonna go off on a tangent; ride with me!

A friend of mine likes to blog political (many of my friends do). He likes to go to extreme right-wing blogs and enlighten them as to why their viewpoint on the political horizon is skewed so erroneously. I say fine. Great. Speak up. They haven't overturned Freedom of Speech (yet) so go at it.

But I digress (realizing I have more to add before I get to the 2nd part of today's two-fer).

He goes on and posts a comment on one of these blogs with a salient point about a point of view - an "opinion", if you will – that is labeled by the right wingers as "Libtard" (get it? Very clever).

You should see the responses he gets.

EVERY response from the self-proclaimed right wing, god-fearing Amrrucunz calls him a "faggot" or tells him his breath smells like his Dad's penis or he's an ass-raping idiot, etc… My friend keeps on going after them, giving what he gets and it goes back and forth ad-nauseum. It's ridiculous. All the posts they put up have no political content – though it's listed under "news & politics" as I have done here. Then a new blog appears, which has as its title "Guilty Fag: Busted!!!" and goes on to tell all his readers how he defeated someone with a differing viewpoint. Nothing like explaining why the liberal is wrong in their thinking or how they proved their point…THERE WAS NO POINT!

Here's the deal on this: Just like the Republicans distract, misinform, lie, cheat and steal their way up the ladder of life, they have taught their followers – by example - do the same thing. Simply malign their opposition with smear tactics, vitriol and bile, then verbally high-five themselves for winning an argument. Brilliant. Rovian thru-and-thru.

I know a guy I went to high school with who told me if there's ever another attack like 9/11, it'll totally be the liberals fault. How can I see this as nothing but insane? Since when are liberals terrorists? For that matter, since when are terrorists liberal? Isn't the very definition of a terrorist someone who uses fear to manipulate others for their own gain? My Mac Dictionary has the definition as "a person who uses terrorism in the pursuit of political aims." And terror as "extreme fear" Now let's get real here: who's been using extreme fear in the pursuit of political aims the past few years? How many liberals warned us of smoking guns in the form of mushroom clouds? How many liberals have gone on the TV, radio or Internet and lamented how they (the terrorists) hate us for our freedom and want to kill us because of it? How many liberals have told us if we didn't vote for them, we'll be attacked again? I think you get the point.

Which brings me to the 2nd part of today's two-fer:

President Bush is warning Iran to stop their nuk-u-ler profill…proller…proliferation (well, HE said it).

In fact here's part of what he said from an article I read:

"And Iran's active pursuit of technology that could lead to nuclear weapons threatens to put a region already known for instability and violence under the shadow of a nuclear holocaust," he told the American Legion veterans group.
"Iran's actions threaten the security of nations everywhere, and the United States is rallying friends and allies to isolate Iran's regime, to impose economic sanctions. We will confront this danger before it is too late," he said.

Again, sound familiar? How on earth can he and his associates fuck up Iraq so bad and then expect anyone to listen about Iran? All the statements that led up to the war have been proven over and over again to be lies. OK, I'll even give them one on this; I'll say inaccurate. What kind of person blindly follows a person that does nothing but make mistake after mistake after mistake (again, trying to be kind here)?

By the way, it's well known throughout the world – well, at least, the rest of the world – that the people of Iran do not hate Americans and they don't particularly care for their own President very much (a small sign of Democracy without air strikes!).

What else, recently?
* Ted Nugent threatening Democratic Presidential Candidates with machine guns
* Hannity's defense of Ted Nugent
* Alberto "I can't recall" Gonzales
* The idea that Michael "Remember Katrina" Chertoff's name is being tossed around (and endorsed By Giuliani) to replace Gonzales
* Senator David Vitter (R-LA) on a Madam's client list (remember, he replaced a Senator that left office FOR THE SAME THING!)
* Senator Ted "The Internet is a bunch of tubes" Stevens being investigated by the FBI on corruption charges
* Rep. Bob Allen (R-FL), ALSO arrested on charges of soliciting sex in a public restroom and having, as his excuse, that he was "intimidated" by the fact "there was nothing but other black guys around in the park"

I could go on and on (actually, I have, haven't I?), but why? It's nothing new, really. Just another day someone in the government who list themselves as Republican is involved in a scandal that's completely antithetical to what they say they believe. You know, the "Family Values" gang.

...and just to clarify: I love America. I just hate that it's been hijacked by people who use extreme fear in pursuit of political aims and their supporters that are so blinded by the manipulation of a National tragedy, they can't act as they tell us to act and have no argument when confronted, just lies and/or venom.

Ps. if you are reading this blog and are one of those extreme right wing people I described earlier who plans on telling me what a cock-smoker I am, don't expect me to reply to your comments. Just get back in your mental closets and hide behind your fears like the douche bags, er… Republicans want you to do. Should be easy, they've played you like marionettes for so long now, you won't notice a thing.

Pps. If you made it to the end of this blog, please know I realize stream-of-conscience blogs take a long time to read (and write) so thanks for your time and my wish for you is that you get to see this administration be held accountable for something...those douchebags.


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