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Emotional Breakdown = Development Deal

Originally posted: September 21, 2007

Congrats to "Chris Crocker"! He got a development deal with 44 Blue Productions for a reality show based in his hometown.

Who's "Chris Crocker", you ask? Why are you writing his name in quotes?

"Chris Crocker" is better known to the world as the LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE person. His name is in quotes because it's not his real name. He won't reveal his real name due to possible threats.

Seems as though, "Chris" has been posting vids on youtube for a while now, but only gained worldwide attention bemoaning the treatment of Britney Spears, whom he feels is a true role model. "I always say Britney's been my mom ... Britney's been there for me when my parents haven't," he said "Chris" has been raised by his grandparents since his teenage parents couldn't.

OK, here's my problem. I happen to know alot of people that are very talented. Actors, musicians, writers, directors, artists, etc... They've been out there daily for years honing their craft, diligently pursuing their passion. Some have had some success; some, not so much.

To me, it's a real shame that this is how people get deals. Don't work for it. Don't struggle for it. Don't study, practice or create. Just bitch about meaningless shit as loud as you can until someone with a contract and a cranial vacancy runs after you salivating to cash in on your "personality" (note: that's Personality, not Bersonality, which is still available for weddings, parties, Bar Mitzvahs, improv shows).

Honestly, I have nothing against "Chris Crocker". Really. Live as you want to live. Mentally collapse as you want to mentally collapse (for all the world to see). Fine by me. Good luck with all of your success. It would just be nice to see that for every now-world-famous "Chris Crocker", there was a now-world-famous Cynic the Infotainer, Bill Chott, Eric Hoffman or Alyson Weeces, to name only a small few of the one's I've worked with, seen, heard and/or read that work, struggle and really create things that are original, smart and make people use their brains.

Also, check out my new reality show, "Bersonality's Bitchy Blog Banter", appearing this fall on the Fucked Ruse Network, right between "I-LOVE-THE-TASTE-OF-GOP-COCK and Colmes" and "Dennis Miller, We Hardly Knew Ye".


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