Originally posted: May 15, 2007 Which do you prefer...? (All of these begin with the stunned realization something's terribly, terribly wrong on his face and end with him clutching his chest, collapsing and dying) 1) "This...better be...the...fucking...rapture!!!" 2) "QUICK...SOMEBODY...MAKE SURE YOU BLAME THIS ON THE HOMOSEXUALS!!!" 3) "Wait a minute, God didn't tell me it was today?!" 4) "Someone...call a hooker...I MEAN DOCTOR...DOCTOR!!!!" 5) "I see a bright light...a bright, red/yellow/orangish light. Why am I feeling so warm?"" 6) "I'm not ready, Lord...I have more campaigns and elections to tamper with" 7) "But, without me, all those people I preach to will find out the truth" 8) "Uh-oh, NOW I'm in BIG TROUBLE!" Jerry Falwell was a munipulative, racist, sexist, homophobic, fear-mongering, self-aggrandizing, blowhard who hurt much more than he helped ...