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Showing posts from January, 2008

Yikes, just yikes, part II

Ok, two hours later; still can't sleep, so... Britney's been placed on a "5150 hold", meaning they're going to strap her down and blast the first Van Hagar CD on a loop until she understands some things just don't seem right. Actually, it means an involuntary hold because she poses a danger to herself and others. Not for nothing, but I read this part on the front page of They got the info from Up-to-the-minute investigative journalism or a vicious cycle? You decide.

Yikes, just yikes

Ok. This is what I get for not being able to sleep. Just seven minutes ago - according to Yahoo Entertainment News - an article was posted saying that Britney Spears was taken away from her home in an ambulance...again. Is it me, or did this shit stop being funny a couple of months ago when "Chris Crocker" was wailing to leave her alone into his webcam? Just to be up front, I am not a fan of Britney Spears. Just not my cup of tea. I wonder if there's anyone in the SpearCircle (tm) that knows what to do with her. She needs to go away...for a while. Somewhere helicopters can't fly over. Somewhere no one shoves a camera in her face (I'm talking to you, Somewhere without microphones. She needs to be under constant care and therapy...a lot of therapy. The cliche' punchline is Who'd a thought Kevin Federline was the sane one. Well, really, anyone? It's easy to go the child-star syndrome has struck again, but is that really all it is? I

Why "General Betray-us" and "phony soldiers" are important

Originally posted: October 3, 2007 Both the ad about General Patraeus and Rush Limbaugh's "Phony soldiers" comments are examples of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution; Freedom of Speech . Both and Rush Limbaugh have the right to say whatever they want about whatever they want. People can agree or disagree. Invisible Intangible Something in the Sky Bless America!!! Where the problem lies (no pun intended, Rush) are the reactions. The republicans got all in a tizzy about the ad referring to General Petraeus as "General Betray-Us?" Anyone notice the question mark there? It was in the ad, right? The ad wasn't calling him that, they were pre-testimony commenting on the fact that the White House was preparing the General's testimony. It was a hopeful - albeit ineffectual in the grand scheme of things - nugde to the General. A "Well, General, what's it gonna be? Your tes

Emotional Breakdown = Development Deal

Originally posted: September 21, 2007 Congrats to "Chris Crocker"! He got a development deal with 44 Blue Productions for a reality show based in his hometown. Who's "Chris Crocker", you ask? Why are you writing his name in quotes? "Chris Crocker" is better known to the world as the LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE person. His name is in quotes because it's not his real name. He won't reveal his real name due to possible threats. Seems as though, "Chris" has been posting vids on youtube for a while now, but only gained worldwide attention bemoaning the treatment of Britney Spears, whom he feels is a true role model. "I always say Britney's been my mom ... Britney's been there for me when my parents haven't," he said "Chris" has been raised by his grandparents since his teenage parents couldn't. OK, here's my problem. I happen to know alot of people that are very tale

Brides of J.C. vs. Administration of J.C.

Originally posted: September 4, 2007 Wow!: Religion Briefs Coalition of nuns calls for impeaching Bush and Cheney A progressive group of U.S. nuns has called on Congress to impeach President Bush and Vice President Cheney because of their roles in the war in Iraq. "The National Coalition of American Nuns is impelled by conscience to call you to act promptly to impeach President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney for ... high crimes and misdemeanors," the group wrote in a letter written on behalf of its board members. The letter says that impeachment is warranted for their "deceiving the public under the false pretense that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction" and "destroying" the reputation of the United States and the good will of other nations. "The time for impeachment is now — before the example of George W. Bush's regime is set in stone," they wrote. "Future generations will thank you f

"Republican" is the new "Douchebag"

Originally posted: August 29, 2007 As of this moment - or, at least, the moment I am writing this, I am officially desensitized. There is absolutely nothing any individual in the Republican Party can do that can shock and/or surprise me anymore. What is this ludicrous theater troupe of hypocrisy & lunacy going to do next? Doesn't matter to me, I'll just shake my head and mutter, "Well what are you gonna do? They're Republican". Today, a two-fer: Senator Larry Craig (R-ID) pleads guilty in a sex solicitation case, and then holds a press conference apologizing for his "poor judgment" for pleading guilty in the case. Not for the actual act, for the plea he, a United States Senator, gave. The "act" happened in June. He's had over a month to think about what he would say and do regarding the incident. He stood up in a court of law and was asked, "How do you plead?" and this Republican Senator answered &

Jerry Falwell's Last Words

Originally posted: May 15, 2007 Which do you prefer...? (All of these begin with the stunned realization something's terribly, terribly wrong on his face and end with him clutching his chest, collapsing and dying) 1) "This...better be...the...fucking...rapture!!!" 2) "QUICK...SOMEBODY...MAKE SURE YOU BLAME THIS ON THE HOMOSEXUALS!!!" 3) "Wait a minute, God didn't tell me it was today?!" 4) " a hooker...I MEAN DOCTOR...DOCTOR!!!!" 5) "I see a bright light...a bright, red/yellow/orangish light. Why am I feeling so warm?"" 6) "I'm not ready, Lord...I have more campaigns and elections to tamper with" 7) "But, without me, all those people I preach to will find out the truth" 8) "Uh-oh, NOW I'm in BIG TROUBLE!" Jerry Falwell was a munipulative, racist, sexist, homophobic, fear-mongering, self-aggrandizing, blowhard who hurt much more than he helped

The Penguin and the Model

Originally posted: February 22, 2007 - Dick Cheney killed Anna Nicole Smith to distract everyone from the I. Lewis (creeps call him "Scooter") Libby trial. I mean, if he can shoot a friend in the face and make it seem like it was the friend's fault, why should he have any qualms about offing a model? And another thing, maybe models should get a new word to describe themselves. How about "living display" or "fashion prop"? Considering what I've learned in the past few months regarding eating disorders and body image, calling them "models" really is unjust. Your thoughts?

Just a thought...

Originally posted: October 9, 2006 I was at a friend's place yesterday and Team America: World Police was on. We watched what was left before switching to Real Time with Bill Maher. Both were great. Today, I listen to Bush chastize North Korea for Nuclear (not 'nuke-u-ler', genius) testing. Now, I am in no way a proponent of N. Korea having and/or testing nukes, but am I the only one that finds it odd that Trey Parker and Matt Stone felt Kim Jong Il was more important when they made the movie over 2 years ago than Geroge W. Bush & Co. yesterday?

Takin' off to Mall of Americaland

Originally posted: November 24, 2005 First off, a big THANKS to Ashley for carting my ass off the the airport before the sun came up on a Saturday morning. Mucho appreciado!! BURBANK AIRPORT 6:30AM 11.19.2005 LAX is for SUCKERS!!! Burbank, or as it is called these days, Bob Hope Airport, is the easiest airport I've ever been through. Everyone's polite...dare i say, NICE?! That includes the passengers. There was a mix-up. I'm standing in a line, about 7 back from the desk. "THIS IS NOT A LINE TO CHECK IN YOUR LUGGAGE", bellows the desk clerk - Is it that or something more important/official sounding like customer service representative or another elongated title? Anyway, when the proper synapse fires, we all move over to the correct queue...IN THE ORDER WE WERE IN PREVIOUSLY. Lots of Please, you were before me's and No, no, you were first's are heard as my hope for civilisation as we know it inches higher. As I get my boarding pass from the e-

What the hell did I just watch?!

Originally posted: August 18, 2005 ZARDOZ This 1974 John Boorman written and directed film stars Sean Connery, Charlotte Rampling and a bunch of UK actors I don't know - which for me is saying alot. Set in 2293, the world is set up like this: The "Brutals" live in a sort-of wasteland where they are either forced to work or killed by one of the "Executioners" Connery plays "Zed", an executioner that wonders what it's all about. He and the other executioners pray to their god, ZARDOZ, a giant flying stone head that arrives, decrees and - what I can only describe as - spews forth guns and ammo from it's mouth before it flies away. Stay with me, here. Zed stows away in the head under a pile of grain (grown by the Brutals as an offering). Inside, he sees a man called Arthur Frayn, which he shoots - he is an executioner, after all. The stone head lands in a utopian society inhabited by the "Immortals", a group of intellectuals that,

Buckin' Fig is now open

Hey there! Well, I've decided to step out of the occasional myspace blog and start my own. Why? Cuz I wanna. I'll post some of my earlier blogs - the one's I actually wrote - here soon. I plan to post frequently, but that's subjective to me so let's say I'll post when I can about any number of topics. Welcome and I hope this works. Later Me