You know when you get into an argument with someone and then you're point is proved to be wrong? When indisputable, undeniable facts are presented to show your side of the debate is patently false, what do you do? What would someone with a modicum of common sense do?
Admit you're incorrect.
Possibly even apologize, if your erroneous point of view possibly insulted someone; anyone.
Well, that's what I try to do. I tend to think of myself as a fairly rational human being. One who can admit mistakes. One that can see when they've slipped by saying something or taking a side that's just flat out wrong. I believe that's what most sane people do.
John Edwards, during his presidental run, stated - several times - that there are approximately 200,000 homeless veterans in the United States today (a statistic he got from the Bush administration's study on homeless veterans) and that this is a travesty. He's correct. It is a travesty that people that sacrificed so much for our country are treated as though they do not exist, or they are somehow not important enough to do anything about. Indisputable facts. Undeniable facts.
Well, guess what? Bill O'Reilly has repeatedly said it's not true.
Bill O'Reilly doesn't like John Edwards. He constantly mentioned the $400 haircut; called him a "Breck girl". I believe he doesn't like John Edwards for a couple of reasons:
1. John Edwards is a Progressive
2. John Edwards is against Bush's tax breaks for the top 1% of our country
3. John Edwards cares about other less fortunate than himself.
Because of those reasons - I think - Bill O'Reilly used his program to besmirch John Edwards whenever he could. Bill-O's a conservative (claiming to be an independent, but, c'mon...really?!) talk show host on the Fucked Ruse Network and this is what they do over there. However, Bill-O decided that, when Edwards mentioned the Bush administration's statistic of 200,000 homeless veterans and added that line that they sleep on grates and under bridges, Bill-O argued the point. He claimed there were very few - if any - homeless veterans and, if there were any, to direct them to him so he would help them somehow. Then, when proved that the information was correct, Bill-O claimed that maybe it's true, but they're all because of mental or drug problems and the government can't do anything about that. He, to this day, refuses to admit the facts. He called Edwards crazy and said the only thing sleeping on grates was Edward's brain (does that even make sense?).
A group that cares for homeless veterans gathered 17,000 signatures of homeless veterans to present to Bill-O at the News Corporation building where he works in New York demanding an apology. Here's what happened when they tried to deliver the petition:
He sent out his little ambush-bitch, Jesse, to stall the delivery. Notice Jesse called himself a producer but never verbally associated himself with the O'Reilly Factor or Bill-O. What's the matter, Jesse? You scared? Embarrassed? A chicken-shit with a microphone?
Personally, I can't wait for Bill-O's response, if there will be any response at all. You think he'll apologize? You think he'll realize his megalomaniacal rantings are false and, in some way, make amends? I don't. I think Bill-O is in his own conservative bubble - just like Dubya - and nothing will pop it. I've never liked Bill-O becuase he's bully pulpit distorts any way it can to make Bill-O look like the "culture warrior" he really thinks he is. This man is now a complete joke
Below, I am displaying a few videos - chronologically - so you can see what I'm talking about.
Bill's Talking Points Memo (about the Democratic candidates):
O'Reilly with guest, Ed Schultz:
Countdown with Keith Olbermann with guest Paul Rieckhoff
O'Reilly slightly changing his story:
O'Reilly, again, slamming Edwards for bringing up the point on Letterman:
Watch O'Reilly start to lose his shit about it:
and Olbermann reporting on the petition delivery"
I know there's a lot here, but isn't thins a ridiculous point to be hammering away at repeatedly? How about shut up and find out for yourself Bill-O? How about going to a shelter?
I don't think Bill-O hates homeless veterans as such. I think Bill-O hates anyone different from himself. In this case, people that actually served our country instead of the chicken-hawk he really is. I never served, but then again, I'm not getting up in front of thousands of people and spewing this rhino-shit.
Now that John Edwards is out of the race, you think we'll hear anymore from Bill-O about homeless veterans? Doubtful. I'm sure he's gloating about how he brought Edwards down and jerking off to his DVR, which records nothing but his own show.
Admit you're incorrect.
Possibly even apologize, if your erroneous point of view possibly insulted someone; anyone.
Well, that's what I try to do. I tend to think of myself as a fairly rational human being. One who can admit mistakes. One that can see when they've slipped by saying something or taking a side that's just flat out wrong. I believe that's what most sane people do.
John Edwards, during his presidental run, stated - several times - that there are approximately 200,000 homeless veterans in the United States today (a statistic he got from the Bush administration's study on homeless veterans) and that this is a travesty. He's correct. It is a travesty that people that sacrificed so much for our country are treated as though they do not exist, or they are somehow not important enough to do anything about. Indisputable facts. Undeniable facts.
Well, guess what? Bill O'Reilly has repeatedly said it's not true.
Bill O'Reilly doesn't like John Edwards. He constantly mentioned the $400 haircut; called him a "Breck girl". I believe he doesn't like John Edwards for a couple of reasons:
1. John Edwards is a Progressive
2. John Edwards is against Bush's tax breaks for the top 1% of our country
3. John Edwards cares about other less fortunate than himself.
Because of those reasons - I think - Bill O'Reilly used his program to besmirch John Edwards whenever he could. Bill-O's a conservative (claiming to be an independent, but, c'mon...really?!) talk show host on the Fucked Ruse Network and this is what they do over there. However, Bill-O decided that, when Edwards mentioned the Bush administration's statistic of 200,000 homeless veterans and added that line that they sleep on grates and under bridges, Bill-O argued the point. He claimed there were very few - if any - homeless veterans and, if there were any, to direct them to him so he would help them somehow. Then, when proved that the information was correct, Bill-O claimed that maybe it's true, but they're all because of mental or drug problems and the government can't do anything about that. He, to this day, refuses to admit the facts. He called Edwards crazy and said the only thing sleeping on grates was Edward's brain (does that even make sense?).
A group that cares for homeless veterans gathered 17,000 signatures of homeless veterans to present to Bill-O at the News Corporation building where he works in New York demanding an apology. Here's what happened when they tried to deliver the petition:
He sent out his little ambush-bitch, Jesse, to stall the delivery. Notice Jesse called himself a producer but never verbally associated himself with the O'Reilly Factor or Bill-O. What's the matter, Jesse? You scared? Embarrassed? A chicken-shit with a microphone?
Personally, I can't wait for Bill-O's response, if there will be any response at all. You think he'll apologize? You think he'll realize his megalomaniacal rantings are false and, in some way, make amends? I don't. I think Bill-O is in his own conservative bubble - just like Dubya - and nothing will pop it. I've never liked Bill-O becuase he's bully pulpit distorts any way it can to make Bill-O look like the "culture warrior" he really thinks he is. This man is now a complete joke
Below, I am displaying a few videos - chronologically - so you can see what I'm talking about.
Bill's Talking Points Memo (about the Democratic candidates):
O'Reilly with guest, Ed Schultz:
Countdown with Keith Olbermann with guest Paul Rieckhoff
O'Reilly slightly changing his story:
O'Reilly, again, slamming Edwards for bringing up the point on Letterman:
Watch O'Reilly start to lose his shit about it:
and Olbermann reporting on the petition delivery"
I know there's a lot here, but isn't thins a ridiculous point to be hammering away at repeatedly? How about shut up and find out for yourself Bill-O? How about going to a shelter?
I don't think Bill-O hates homeless veterans as such. I think Bill-O hates anyone different from himself. In this case, people that actually served our country instead of the chicken-hawk he really is. I never served, but then again, I'm not getting up in front of thousands of people and spewing this rhino-shit.
Now that John Edwards is out of the race, you think we'll hear anymore from Bill-O about homeless veterans? Doubtful. I'm sure he's gloating about how he brought Edwards down and jerking off to his DVR, which records nothing but his own show.
I also really wanted Edwards to be my candidate.....again.....oh well
Digging the new page, hope this comment posts!
But...I still think he's pure evil in a skin shell.