- an amazing girlfriend whom I love very much, and miss when I'm not with her, even when I hang up the phone after talking to her for an hour.
- some great friends who I love and appreciate, though I don't tell them that enough.
- no job at the moment (though, not for a lack of looking).
- very little money, but a hang-up that somehow, my worthiness in this world is attached to how much money I have.
Ok, where was I?...Oh, yeah...
- the same small apartment I've had for almost 8 years.
- an obnoxiously arrogant, loud animal of an upstairs neighbor that STARTS playing music at 1:30am, constantly slams his door when entering or leaving his apartment and stomps around his place - as well as up and down the stairs outside my apartment - as though he were taking a rhinoceros for his/her daily exercise jog.
- a 10 year old car with 37,000 miles on it (I got it from my Uncle Ray, before he passed away - hey, that rhymes!).
- a willingness to - believe it or not - hold my tongue in order to "keep the peace" (more often than you think).
- a modicum of talent in music and acting (which you'll hopefully get to experience someday if you haven't already).
- a hyper-abundance of film, music and tv trivia in my head.
- great taste in film and music.
- a warped sense of humor.
- a bit of sleep depravation (possibly a form of insomnia, but I'm not sure).
- great hair (knock-on-whatever-substance-is-handy-at-the-moment).