This is why the republicans are so completely out of touch...EVEN WITH THEIR OWN AGENDA!!!
Congressman Jack Kingston, republican from the 1st district of Georgia, goes on Real Time and questions Barack Obama's patriotism because he doesn't wear an American Flag lapel pin. The problem? Jack Kingston is NOT wearing an American Flag lapel pin!!!
Watch this: Congressman Jack Kingston brings up the topic of the lapel pin:
(about 7:45 into this clip)
Next, watch the Overtime segment, where they take questions from people through the internet:
Ok, this was live last Friday night (2.22.08)
NOW, check out last night's Live with Dan Abrams (2.27.08)
Congressman Jack Kingston had 5 days after being called out for not wearing his lapel pin and still didn't wear one when he was invited onto the Dan Abrams show to talk about THE LAPEL PIN. I'm guessing when the question of his lapel pin was asked on Real Time, he, after laughing it off and AGREEING with the viewer that posed the question, didn't for a moment think, "you know, I should probably wear my pin when attacking Obama for not wearing his". This is a Congressman. This is someone that represents people. His comments are supposed to be representative of his constituancy. I wonder how people in the 1st district of Georgia feel about this. Of course, Larry Craig doesn't even understand the question, "How do you plead?" and he's still in office, so what should we expect, right?
Just another prime example of right-wing douchebaggery? You bet, but what else is it? We all know that republicans have no concept of when they are being recorded. Time and time again, republicans and right-wingers are caught saying one thing then denying it. Here's a great, recent example:
"I-LOVE-THE-TASTE-OF-NEOCON-COCK" & Colmes (sorry you have to watch this, but it makes my point) had on Douchebag Bill Cunningham, the right-wing radio host that opened for McCain in Ohio recently and who apparently has no modulation control of the volume of his own voice, calls Barack Obama a "manchurian candidate"(1:40), then says he never said that (4:20):
I think they've been at this crap for so long now, they don't even believe their own shit anymore. I think these douchebags are so afraid their comrades (yes, I used the word comrades) are slipping away from their power positions so quickly - as they keep getting caught being themselves - that they are digging their claws into anything they can grasp to debase anyone with a different point of view. Look at how Limbaugh, Hannity, Ingraham, Coulter et al. all said they won't support McCain because he "reaches over to the Democrats" too often and is too liberal for their tastes. Throwing their own candidate under the bus (though Limbaugh has already admitted he's doing it so more centrists that don't like him will vote for McCain out of spite - what arrogance!)
To answer my own question, what is it besides right-wing douchebaggery? It's FEAR BACKLASH. The right-wing douchebags has been spewing the trickle-down fear from the Bush Cabal for so long now, they've backed us into a corner, and we're coming out swinging. No more are we going to let the Bush Coterie tell us that we won't be safe unless Congress grants immunity to the telecoms for conspiring to tap our phones, web browsers, etc... If Bush would rather veto the bill without telecom immunity, than to sign it, then George W. Bush is a traitor to the United States of America. When will this man and his cronies be held accountable?
There are way too many scandals to name here, but Olbermann updates them nightly on Countdown in a segment called "Bushed". Here's the latest example:
I may have gone off on a bit of a tangent, but I see the connection.
After these past 8 years of the Bush administration's continued coddling-their-buddies and fucking-everyone-else policies, I honestly believe that anyone that votes for a republican this November, hates America.
Congressman Jack Kingston, republican from the 1st district of Georgia, goes on Real Time and questions Barack Obama's patriotism because he doesn't wear an American Flag lapel pin. The problem? Jack Kingston is NOT wearing an American Flag lapel pin!!!
Watch this: Congressman Jack Kingston brings up the topic of the lapel pin:
(about 7:45 into this clip)
Next, watch the Overtime segment, where they take questions from people through the internet:
Ok, this was live last Friday night (2.22.08)
NOW, check out last night's Live with Dan Abrams (2.27.08)
Congressman Jack Kingston had 5 days after being called out for not wearing his lapel pin and still didn't wear one when he was invited onto the Dan Abrams show to talk about THE LAPEL PIN. I'm guessing when the question of his lapel pin was asked on Real Time, he, after laughing it off and AGREEING with the viewer that posed the question, didn't for a moment think, "you know, I should probably wear my pin when attacking Obama for not wearing his". This is a Congressman. This is someone that represents people. His comments are supposed to be representative of his constituancy. I wonder how people in the 1st district of Georgia feel about this. Of course, Larry Craig doesn't even understand the question, "How do you plead?" and he's still in office, so what should we expect, right?
Just another prime example of right-wing douchebaggery? You bet, but what else is it? We all know that republicans have no concept of when they are being recorded. Time and time again, republicans and right-wingers are caught saying one thing then denying it. Here's a great, recent example:
"I-LOVE-THE-TASTE-OF-NEOCON-COCK" & Colmes (sorry you have to watch this, but it makes my point) had on Douchebag Bill Cunningham, the right-wing radio host that opened for McCain in Ohio recently and who apparently has no modulation control of the volume of his own voice, calls Barack Obama a "manchurian candidate"(1:40), then says he never said that (4:20):
I think they've been at this crap for so long now, they don't even believe their own shit anymore. I think these douchebags are so afraid their comrades (yes, I used the word comrades) are slipping away from their power positions so quickly - as they keep getting caught being themselves - that they are digging their claws into anything they can grasp to debase anyone with a different point of view. Look at how Limbaugh, Hannity, Ingraham, Coulter et al. all said they won't support McCain because he "reaches over to the Democrats" too often and is too liberal for their tastes. Throwing their own candidate under the bus (though Limbaugh has already admitted he's doing it so more centrists that don't like him will vote for McCain out of spite - what arrogance!)
To answer my own question, what is it besides right-wing douchebaggery? It's FEAR BACKLASH. The right-wing douchebags has been spewing the trickle-down fear from the Bush Cabal for so long now, they've backed us into a corner, and we're coming out swinging. No more are we going to let the Bush Coterie tell us that we won't be safe unless Congress grants immunity to the telecoms for conspiring to tap our phones, web browsers, etc... If Bush would rather veto the bill without telecom immunity, than to sign it, then George W. Bush is a traitor to the United States of America. When will this man and his cronies be held accountable?
There are way too many scandals to name here, but Olbermann updates them nightly on Countdown in a segment called "Bushed". Here's the latest example:
I may have gone off on a bit of a tangent, but I see the connection.
After these past 8 years of the Bush administration's continued coddling-their-buddies and fucking-everyone-else policies, I honestly believe that anyone that votes for a republican this November, hates America.