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Showing posts from February, 2008

Calling Out More Right-wing Rhinoshit

This is why the republicans are so completely out of touch...EVEN WITH THEIR OWN AGENDA!!! Congressman Jack Kingston, republican from the 1st district of Georgia, goes on Real Time and questions Barack Obama's patriotism because he doesn't wear an American Flag lapel pin. The problem? Jack Kingston is NOT wearing an American Flag lapel pin!!! Watch this: Congressman Jack Kingston brings up the topic of the lapel pin: (about 7:45 into this clip) Next, watch the Overtime segment, where they take questions from people through the internet : Ok , this was live last Friday night (2.22.08) NOW, check out last night's Live with Dan Abrams (2.27.08) Congressman Jack Kingston had 5 days after being called out for not wearing his lapel pin and still didn't wear one when he was invited onto the Dan Abrams show to talk about THE LAPEL PIN. I'm guessing when the question of his lapel pin was asked on Real Time, he, after laughing it off and AGREEING with the viewer that po...

MY Awards for the Oscars

Ok , here's how this goes: I'm giving either a Pat on the Back for something I liked or a Flick of the Ear (using my middle finger) to something I didn't like... A Pat on the Back goes to... Jon Stewart, for doing a good job as host, with a clever monologue, funny intros (Tom Hanks won twice and now has no right to be here) and my favorite montage of all time, the Oscar Tribute to Binoculars and Periscopes . A Flick of the Ear goes to... Jon Stewart, for including the Barack Hussein Obama material in his monologue. Coulter , Limbaugh, Hannity and every other right-wing douchebag emphasizes Obama's middle name. I understand it was a set up for a joke but the right-wing pundits are jokes themselves, so I saw no need to pile on (Although, " Gaydolph Titler " cracked me up). A Pat on the Back goes to... Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova for their performance and winning the Academy Award for the song, "Falling Slowly" from ...

Facets of the Moment

an amazing girlfriend whom I love very much, and miss when I'm not with her, even when I hang up the phone after talking to her for an hour. some great friends who I love and appreciate, though I don't tell them that enough. no job at the moment (though, not for a lack of looking). very little money, but a hang-up that somehow, my worthiness in this world is attached to how much money I have. Hang on, the phone just rang..."Hello?...Oh, Hey Paradox...Uh-huh...Listen, can I call you back later? I'm blogging right now...Cool, thanks...Bye." Ok, where was I?...Oh, yeah... the same small apartment I've had for almost 8 years. an obnoxiously arrogant, loud animal of an upstairs neighbor that STARTS playing music at 1:30am, constantly slams his door when entering or leaving his apartment and stomps around his place - as well as up and down the stairs outside my apartment - as though he were taking a rhinoceros for hi...

She tried to go to the Grammys, but they said no, no, no

Amy Winehouse will not be going to the Grammys (the British government would not give her a visa), but will perform via sattelite. What the hell is she going to sing? Maybe she should perform a cover of Alanis Morissette's "Ironic". OK, cheap shot, I know. I like Amy Winehouse's CD, "Back to Black", but her song, "Rehab", is nominated for 4 Grammys. We all know the lyrics: "They tried to make me go to rehab/I said no, no, no". So, since she's in rehab now (doing well, according to her publicists), wouldn't it be hypocritical of her to sing that song? What's a pop singer/tabloid target to do?

'Tis the season to be voting

I haven't enjoyed a primary season like this one in SUCH a long time! First, I'll say, I haven't paid as much attention to primaries in the past as I have this one, but damn, I sure picked a good one. So, Clinton and Obama are in a dead heat (always thought that was a weird phrase). OK. I'm an Obama supporter, but if Clinton gets the nomination, I'm fine with that. If all of the Democratic contestants were still in the race, she wouldn't be my second choice either. However, if it's her, I can deal. I'd like to see how a female president would work. I think, very well. I do feel - though - that we need a real change in this country. The idea of Bush - Clinton - Bush - Clinton is not appealing to me at all. Yes, things were going well in the 90s, but that's so last millennium. Enough of the past. I think we need a real change, or - to paraphrase Monty Python - we need something completely different. I think that's Barack Obama. As much ...

O'Reilly: "How can I be an even bigger douche? Oh, I know..."

You know when you get into an argument with someone and then you're point is proved to be wrong? When indisputable, undeniable facts are presented to show your side of the debate is patently false, what do you do? What would someone with a modicum of common sense do? Admit you're incorrect. Possibly even apologize, if your erroneous point of view possibly insulted someone; anyone. Well, that's what I try to do. I tend to think of myself as a fairly rational human being. One who can admit mistakes. One that can see when they've slipped by saying something or taking a side that's just flat out wrong. I believe that's what most sane people do. John Edwards, during his presidental run, stated - several times - that there are approximately 200,000 homeless veterans in the United States today (a statistic he got from the Bush administration's study on homeless veterans) and that this is a travesty. He's correct. It is a travesty that people that sacrif...

The 44 Year Old Cynic

SO, it's my best friend's birthday. Scott Holme (a.k.a. Cynic The Infotainer ) is now in the Year of the Magnum (that means 44). We're gonna be bowling and drinking and whoopin' it up, as it were. I wasn't sure what else to put here. Then I found this birthday video from Sarah Silverman to Jimmy Kimmel, so here it is: Happy Birthday, Holme-Slice!