This is why the republicans are so completely out of touch...EVEN WITH THEIR OWN AGENDA!!! Congressman Jack Kingston, republican from the 1st district of Georgia, goes on Real Time and questions Barack Obama's patriotism because he doesn't wear an American Flag lapel pin. The problem? Jack Kingston is NOT wearing an American Flag lapel pin!!! Watch this: Congressman Jack Kingston brings up the topic of the lapel pin: (about 7:45 into this clip) Next, watch the Overtime segment, where they take questions from people through the internet : Ok , this was live last Friday night (2.22.08) NOW, check out last night's Live with Dan Abrams (2.27.08) Congressman Jack Kingston had 5 days after being called out for not wearing his lapel pin and still didn't wear one when he was invited onto the Dan Abrams show to talk about THE LAPEL PIN. I'm guessing when the question of his lapel pin was asked on Real Time, he, after laughing it off and AGREEING with the viewer that po...
This is where I write about stuff.