Why is it that when someone in politics - or just in the public eye - says something offensive, they back peddle and claim they were trying to tell a joke or be funny? Read the following article from Politico.com and you tell me, was the comment by Michael Barone of U.S. News and World Report funny in any way at all: Barone: Media wanted Palin abortion By MIKE ALLEN & ANDY BARR | 11/11/08 5:58 PM EST A roomful of academics erupted in angry boos Tuesday morning after political analyst Michael Barone said journalists trashed Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, the Republicans' vice presidential nominee, because "she did not abort her Down syndrome baby." Barone said in an e-mail that he "was attempting to be humorous and ... went over the line." Barone was speaking at the Palmer House Hilton in Chicago, to the 121st annual meeting of the National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges, which calls itself the nation’s oldest higher-education associatio...
This is where I write about stuff.