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Showing posts from September, 2008

a comic dramatic work using buffoonery and horseplay and typically including crude characterization and ludicrously improbable situations

This is what I feel like when I try to follow what John McCain and his campaign are up to... Every day, there's something else. There are so many to choose from, I'm not sure where to start. Actually, I'll go this way: I'll sum it up like this... There is only one thing republicans do not care about: NOUNS. NOUNS?! Yes, NOUNS (why am I shouting? watch below, then read on...) Now that you've had a refresher on grammar, let me explain: People (other than uber-rich white people who make so much money, they don't have to care about what they spend it on, unless it's taxes) Places (Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Darfur, New Orleans, Wall Street, other peoples' houses to name a few) Things (honor, honesty, experience, integrity, the environment, recording equipment) This farce of a campaign season is really showing us what the 2 parties are like. The conventions were the perfect examples. The Democratic Convention had speeches filled with the notion that, i...