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Senile, stupid, or just plain sad?

I'm starting to get the feeling that the problem John McCain has regarding his run for the Presidency is that he's oblivious to what the American people want. Poll after poll (I realize polls are skewed - particularly push-polls - and are really no way to truly gauge information or opinion) shows that the American people want change. An overwhelming majority in this country are fed up with Bush, Cheney, the war in Iraq, the economy, etc... ad nauseum. McCain seems to be clinging onto the Bush administration tighter than John Goodman wearing size 30 jeans (sorry for the visual). I just don't get it. 8 years ago, Bush, Rove et al. used dirty, slimy scurrilous tactics to discredit McCain as a legitimate worthy candidate/opponent. In case you don't know, the big one was canvas calling people in South Carolina saying something to the effect of "Did you know John McCain has an illegitimate black child?!", refering to the Somalian girl he and his 2nd wife, Cindy adopted. 8 years ago, McCain was an honorable man. He stood by his beliefs in the face of his own party. He called out political problems with Washington's politics-over-people policies (how's that for alliteration!). He co-wrote bills with members of the Democratic party (McCain-Feingold to name one). Now, he's sold his soul to please the right-wing lunatic fringe of the republican party. How sad.

This morning, he stated - on the Today Show - that getting our troops out of Iraq was "not too important".

WHAT?!?!?!?! How could those words come out of ANY candidate in this race, let alone a Vietnam Veteran? We're months away from the election and as of right now, I feel like every time I see him give a speech (with that patronizing phrase "My friends" strewn about the speech, which makes me gag whenever I hear it, particularly for it's disingenuous tone, like the entirety of his speeches have been) that he's getting farther and farther away from the man he was 2 years ago, let alone beyond that.

John McCain WAS an honorable man. Yes, we all value his service to our country in another war that shouldn't have been fought by U.S. soldiers (Yes, Gretchen Carlson, there is a 'D' in soldier),
airmen and marines. I do not diminish that in any way, shape of form. It's just that when I see him talk, then immediately see a clip of him saying the exact opposite years, months or even days before,

it makes me sad to see a war hero sell out to the kakistocracy [(ka-ki-stahk-ruh-see) - Government by the least qualified or most unprincipled citizens] as often as he has. Is this what it takes to be a republican leader? Compare that to the Democratic side of the race. Need I go on?

So, is it that John McCain is old/senile and not able to keep his thoughts together? How many times has he mixed up Sunni and Shia, Iraq and Afghanistan? Well, he does have lapdog LIE-berman to feed him info on the spot. But still, this man is running for the President of the United States - a job that everyone refers to the most important job on the planet - and he claims he doesn't know about economics, doesn't seem to really know about the goings-on in the Middle East and doesn't seem to make any effort to fix any of that. Day after day, he gets in front of the media (who have RECORDING EQUIPMENT with them) and makes these pandering speeches with no sense of honesty, realism or sincerity and we're supposed to get behind that? After 8 years of the Bush junta, isn't even McCain sick of all the lies and rhino-shit that's plagued this country? I'd like to ask him one question: Knowing what you know now, if you , Senator, were of proper age, would you enlist today? I don't think I'd get a real answer because he's either senile, stupid or I don't know what.

Just sad.

Let's see something funny regarding John McCain's run in this election:

ah...I needed that.


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