I'm starting to get the feeling that the problem John McCain has regarding his run for the Presidency is that he's oblivious to what the American people want. Poll after poll (I realize polls are skewed - particularly push-polls - and are really no way to truly gauge information or opinion) shows that the American people want change. An overwhelming majority in this country are fed up with Bush, Cheney, the war in Iraq, the economy, etc... ad nauseum. McCain seems to be clinging onto the Bush administration tighter than John Goodman wearing size 30 jeans (sorry for the visual). I just don't get it. 8 years ago, Bush, Rove et al. used dirty, slimy scurrilous tactics to discredit McCain as a legitimate worthy candidate/opponent. In case you don't know, the big one was canvas calling people in South Carolina saying something to the effect of "Did you know John McCain has an illegitimate black child?!", refering to the Somalian girl he and his 2nd wife, Cind...
This is where I write about stuff.