1. Next time I see a long march/protest, I will understand that the first few hundred people will know what's really happening and the rest will be in small groups talking, taking pictures, and asking, "What did they say?".
2. Although I am proud to use my time to go down and show support for what I believe in, I really got a feeling of are-we-really-going-to-change-anything? I know that seems cynical, and in no way am I advocating that the marches stop, but I just kept thinking, Do Bush and Cheney really give a shit? Why - now - would they listen? they have proven over and over again that they do not care about America or Americans that make below a certain level of income, so is it worth it to march?
I think yes it is, because it is a way for all of us as Americans to show each other that we need real change in this country. Maybe this will add to the feeling that many have that there are people out there willing to speak out, even if it is to deaf (and in Bush's case) stupid ears.
You know, I'm just gonna say it: George W. Bush is a real son-of-a-bitch. Today, he felt it more important to bail out an investment firm than to help regular citizens in the housing crisis. He's not even pretending to care anymore. I really hope we see some true justice in regards to him and Cheney. By that, I mean that they will answer for what they've done to the USA. 4000 of our troops dead; thousands more injured, both physically and mentally. Our economy is in the toilet, unless you make millions off of others.
George W. Bush should have to answer for what he's done to ruin many aspects of this country. Him, Cheney, Rove, Rumsfeld, Gonzalez, and all the right-wing douchebags that continue to support them (and you know who I mean). When are we going to get America back?
Here's 3 more things in which they should be held accountable:
I watched the first 2 episodes of John Adams on HBO last night. I highly recommend it. You can see things in that mini-series that have relevance in today's political climate. People need to stand up more to show they won't be abused by their "leaders" like they have been - in particular, these last 8 years. Why do they get to get away with it? Money. Money trumps everything in this country. Money trumps justice, honor, dignity, truth, and honesty. That's not what this country was built on, what it is meant to symbolize and what this country stands for. Hopefully, these evil butchers of democracy will see what America used to stand for and pay for their actions.
Just in case, I in now way, shape or form mean that anything should physically happen to anyone I mentioned. I only hope that we return to Justice in the USA and those that have wiped their collective asses with the Constitution and our rights will receive due process, as well as some stiff fines, because they'll never go to prison, and we all know it'll be a better punishment if their wallets are hit HARD.
"Whatever-you-believe" Bless America
Now, I'm gonna watch Caddyshack. That outta cheer me up. I know I'M ALRIGHT!
It still comes down to what we all do as indidviduals, dammit!
So as far as everything your blog says, I just gotta say
Roger that!
Blessings can come from all over the place, which I believe, is a good thing!
"John Adams" was rad, I recommend it too, even though the guy playing Thomas Jefferson reminded me of a cagey, creepy version of David Sylvian (noooooo!).
Well said Monsieur Berson. The right to assemble peaceably is one we are free to indulge or abstain from, but either way, it must be preserved against all odds. Dissent is what built this thing we're standing on, and it's the only thing that can restore what we've lost.
Not deep enough I'm sure. ;)