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Showing posts from February, 2016

The Nevada Causus 2016: One Man's Tale of Democracy

So, here's what happened: I got there around 10:45am. Stood in line and spoke with a nice gentleman in front of me about our previous political experiences. When someone came out and said that people who pre-registered online (I did not know this was an option) could go ahead tot a different line, he left. I got to listen to some older women behind me complain that TV cameras were there and that they should "keep that thing out of my face". [Really though, why would there be cameras at a caucusing site for President. Who's gonna care about or watch something like that on TV. Am I right?]   Anyway, I got up to the table to check in and a man working on a laptop - who looked very much like a gaunt Daniel Patrick Kelly ("Warriors! Come out and play-ee-yay!!!) with horn-rimmed glasses informed me his laptop battery had died. They brought over a power cord for him, but he didn't know where to plug it into the laptop (I showed him it was on the back). He ...